Warren, E. (2012). Dolores Huerta: A hero to migrant workers. Berlin, Germany: Two Lions Publishing.
Dolores is a teacher, a mother, and a friend. She wants to know why her students are too hungry to listen, why they don't have shoes to wear to school. Dolores is a warrior, an organizer, and a peacemaker. When she finds out that the farm workers in her community are poorly paid and working under dangerous conditions, she stands up for their rights.
Author Sarah Warren is an early childhood educator and has served the young children in her community for more than ten years. Sarah received a Legacy Award from the YWCA of Minneapolis Children's Center for her work supporting their mission: Eliminating racism/Empowering women. In 2007 she was honored as a "Cultural Caregiver" by the Minnesota Women's Consortium. Sarah holds a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from Lesley University. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
A Jane Addam's Children's Book Award Honor Book for Younger Children
2nd-5th grade